Lesley Announces Maine Scholars Program
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Demon fighting teens and musical theater with Michelle Knudsen

On the Why We Write podcast: We’re talking demon librarians, musical theater, and teenage love and snark, all of which come together in Michelle Knudsen’s Evil Librarian trilogy.

Listen to the podcast

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Episode notes

Michelle Knudsen is the author of more than 45 books for young readers, ranging from children’s picture books to young adult novels. She also teaches in the Lesley University MFA in Creative Writing program and is a freelance children’s book editor and writing coach. Her latest novel, published in August, is the completion of Evil Librarian series, Revenge of the Evil Librarian.

Curse of the Evil Librarian book cover- hot pink outline of a demon with the title in the middle
The final book in Michelle Knudsen's Evil Librarian series.

In this episode, Why We Write producer Georgia Sparling talks with Michelle about how she got into the publishing world, creating a demon world, and more!

For more info, follow Michelle on Twitter(link is external) and check out her website(link is external).

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