Our commitment to accessibility.

At Lesley University, we’re committed to providing equal or equally effective alternative access to academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs for all qualified individuals with disabilities.

Here, you can find our accessibility resources or report an issue.

Reporting an Accessibility Issue

If you experience an accessibility issue with the Lesley University website or information technology (IT), please report it by emailing webrequests@lesley.edu

University Resources for Lesley Students and Employees


The University's Disability Support Services Office works to accommodate students with disabilities. Learn more about Disability Support Services for Students, including how to request classroom, academic, testing, housing, or meal accommodations.

The Disability Support Services Office's policies, procedures, and forms are accessible here online, and in hard copy format.

Our Disability Support Services Office also provides training, resources, and assistance to faculty members to help them work with students with disabilities, including their use of technology in their classes. Our Faculty Guide to Disability Support Services for Students outlines how our faculty support the success of students with disabilities. The Faculty Handbook also provides information to faculty, including syllabus notice requirements.


The University accommodates employees with disabilities through the Human Resources Office. These may range from accommodations in the application and interview process to accommodations or modifications to the work environment, or even to varying forms of temporary leave that individuals may be entitled to on the basis of an individual disability. For more information, see the University’s Employee Handbook (PDF).

Event and Activity Access

Anyone planning an event or activity that is hosted by Lesley University must ensure that the event or activity is accessible to all participants. Review our Program, Activity, and Event Access Policy and find out how you can work with our Disability Support Services Office in advance of your next event or activity.

Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Disability

The University has a written policy that prohibits disability-based discrimination and harassment and a complaint resolution procedure to address complaints.