Lesley Announces Maine Scholars Program
The Maine Scholars program gives students prioritization by Maine employers as well as opportunities for financial aid and scholarship benefits.
ACBSP logo

All of Lesley University’s academic programs are accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE). However, several programs at Lesley University also have specialized accreditation. 

The baccalaureate Business program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

The Master of Business Administration program is new. ACBSP requires that a program be in existence for at least two years and have graduated before the program can become a candidate for accreditation. The Business Department will apply for accreditation of the MBA program within two years following successful graduation of the first class in this program.

Bar graph called "Number of Graduates by ACBSP Accredited Programs 2019-2020" where traditional day program has 20, online has 4, and degree completion has 16
The number of graduates in ACBSP accredited programs. Twenty students completed a traditional day program, 4 completed an online program, and 16 completed a bachelor's degree completion program.

Business Program Vision

We offer a high-quality, student-centered, accredited Bachelor of Science in Business degree program with specializations in Brand Design and Marketing, Sports Marketing and Management, Financial Planning, and Organizational Leadership.

Guiding Principles

  1. Develop engaging learning experiences from the freshmen year to the senior year that integrate real-world applications as students are exposed to theories.
  2. Use the ripped from the headlines approach to demonstrate theory in a real-life context.
  3. Use case studies team projects, computer simulations, and experiential learning to apply classwork to issues drawn straight from the business world.
  4. Use early interventions to assist our students as early as possible in the semester. Courses must have enough assessments and/or exams by the end of the fifth week of the semester to determine whether students are passing the course. This information must be given to students prior to the midterm exam. 

Strategic Goals for 2016-2020

  • GOAL 1: Achieve Distinction in Teaching and Learning

    Objective 1.1: Improve the Quality of Teaching

    Strategy 1.1.1 Establish standards of teaching 

    Strategy 1.1.2 Teach a contemporary curriculum

    Strategy 1.1.3 Upgrade faculty competencies on a continuous basis

    Strategy 1.1.5 Partner with business and industry to make curriculum relevant 

    Strategy 1.1.6 Obtain travel support for faculty to attend teaching conferences

    Objective 1.2: Improve Student Learning

    Strategy 1.2.1 Implement high quality assessment processes for continuous improvement

    Strategy 1.2.2 Establish strong tutorial services for academic student support

    Strategy 1.2.3 Develop student skills in problem-solving, ethical decision-making, teamwork, leadership, and communication

    Strategy 1.2.4 Encourage faculty to use innovative methods and technologies to enhance student learning (flipped classroom, social media, other)

  • GOAL 2: Achieve Distinction in Service

    Objective 2.1: Develop alliances with Stakeholders

    Strategy 2.1.1 Ensure that the Alumni Advisory Board is engaged with Business Program

    Strategy 2.1.2 Encourage faculty interaction with local businesses

    Strategy 2.1.3 Invite experts from industry to present to faculty and students

  • GOAL 3: Enhance the Standing of the Business Program

    Objective 3.1: Enhance the Business Program Brand

    Strategy 3.1.1 Obtain ACBSP accreditation

    Strategy 3.1.2 Improve marketing of the business programs, success, and services 

    Strategy 3.1.3 Improve public relations efforts with unique and innovative projects 

    Strategy 3.1.4 Increase the effectiveness of the business web pages and social media avenues to highlight faculty and student achievements



  1. Every course syllabus must indicate which of the business program learning goals are fulfilled in the course.
  2. All students must be notified whether they are passing the course no later than the end of the fifth week of the semester. This information must be given before any mid-term assessment.
  3. Every course must have a mid-term assessment and a final assessment, which can be an exam, project, paper, or other instrument.
  4. Every course must incorporate at least 3 current events articles that demonstrate theory at work, whether assigned by the instructor or selected by the students as assigned by the instructor. Students must write a critique of each current event article.
  5. Every course, regardless of level, will require students to write at least one individual term paper that is at least 4 to 6 pages not including the title page and the reference page
    a. The term paper must require at least 4 to 6 business academic references
  6. Every course, regardless of level, will require students to do at least one group project
    a. The group project must require a group term paper
    b. The group term paper must be at least 6 to 8 pages in length
    c. The group project must require a group PowerPoint presentation d. All group members must participate in the group presentation
  7. The following business courses will require students to do analytical/statistical modeling in MS Excel for at least 3 problems assigned for homework during the semester
    a. CECON 2101 Microeconomics, CECON 2102 Macroeconomics
    b. CBUSN 2455 Financial Accounting, CBUSN 2457 Managerial Accounting
    c. CBUSN 3460 Corporate Finance I d. CBUSN 3464 Marketing
    e. CBUSN 3560 Operations Management f. CBUSN 4140/4900 Strategic Management;
  8. All business courses 3000-level or higher will require students to analyze at least 3 case studies
    a. Students must write a critique of the case study
    b. Case studies analyses must be at least 2 to 3 pages in length

Course Hours

The Business Department assumes that students in full-semester introductory (1000-level) or intermediate (2000-level) classes will spend an average of 2.25 hours preparing for each contact hour, for a total of 140 hours of study per semester for a three-credit class and for a total of 175 hours of study per semester for a four-credit class.

Students in full-semester advanced classes, which are at the 3000-level and 4000-level, require more extensive work outside of class. Students are expected to spend 3.25 hours in preparation for each contact hour, for a total of about 172 hours of study per semester for a three-credit course and for a total of about 230 hours of study per semester for a four-credit course.

Students taking a normal full-time course load of 15-16 credits should be prepared to spend no fewer than 48 hours engaged in academic study (including in-class time and preparation for classes) each week. Students taking more credits should be prepared to spend more time engaged in academic study; e.g., taking 18 credits requires no fewer than 60 hours each of academic study.

Business Learning Outcomes

Bachelor of Science in Business Program and Specializations Learning Outcomes

  • Bachelor of Science in Business

    1. Students will be able to recognize business terms and apply business concepts
    2. Students will be able to understand, and apply concepts in management
    3. Students will be able to evaluate the global business environment, identifying problems and effectively communicating their proposed strategies

  • Sport Management

    1. Students will be able to understand, and apply concepts in sport management
    2. Students will be able to use common quantitative tools and approaches to locate, analyze, and report information to solve problems
    3. Students will be able to recognize business terms and apply business concepts

  • Marketing

    1. Students will be able to apply marketing principles and concepts to make appropriate decisions regarding product, promotion, price, and distribution systems to meet target marketing goals
    2. Students will be able to evaluate the social, cultural, and psychological factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions
    3. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of process of gathering, analyzing, and reporting information useful for solving marketing problems

  • Brand Design and Marketing Specialization

    1. Students will be able to apply brand principles and concepts to make appropriate decisions regarding product, promotion, price, and distribution systems to meet target brand goals.
    2. Students will evaluate the social, cultural, and psychological factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions.
    3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of process of gathering, analyzing, and reporting information useful for solving brand problems

Learning Outcomes

Program Goals, Learning Objectives, and Learning Outcomes

  • Program Goal One: Oral and Verbal Communication Ability

    Learning Objective: Students will be able to covey information and ideas effectively Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
    1. Deliver effective oral presentations
    2. Create well-written business reports
    3. Use communication to work effectively with others in a business context
    4. Use communication technologies and tools professionally and appropriately
    5. Adapt style of communication to diverse audiences Assessment Tools: Oral Presentation Rubric, Written Communications Rubric

  • Program Goal Two: Critical Thinking

    Learning Objective: Students will develop the ability to solve unfamiliar problems and generate new meaning
    Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
    1. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate sources of information and determine their validity and significance
    2. Demonstrate the ability to write expository essays and research papers
    3. Discuss or present their ideas cogently in public and in an academic or professional setting
    4. Evaluate information using the methods of scientific inquiry
    5. Demonstrate the ability to use skills in quantitative reasoning and be able to analyze, interpret, and model in a variety of contexts

    Assessment Tools: Critical Thinking Grid, Critical Thinking Worksheet

  • Program Goal Three: Problem Solving

    Learning Objective: Students will develop problem solving skills Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
    1. Identify problems and opportunities
    2. Generate and analyze alternative solutions and develop defensible alternatives
    3. Interpret the results of the analysis and make a recommendation related to business tasks

    Assessment Tool: Problem Solving Skills Rubric

  • Program Goal Four: Leadership

    Learning Objective: Students will become effective members and leaders of teams through obtaining knowledge and practice in effective team characteristics and dynamics
    Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
    1. Participate in a team project in which they must produce an oral or written report
    2. Contribute suggestions and alternatives to the team
    3. Actively collaborate with other team members

    Assessment Tool: Leadership Rubric

  • Program Goal Five: Social Responsibility

    Learning Objective: Students will develop an understanding of the individual’s role in the larger community and the natural world and an awareness of the importance of involvement in them Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
    1. Develop the ability to use knowledge, skills, experience, and vision to serve as leaders and as catalysts for action and reflection
    2. Develop the ability to identify implicit values in behavior and ideas and incorporate ethical considerations in decision- making in their personal and professional lives

    Assessment Tool: Social Responsibility Rubric

  • Program Goal Six: Multiple Perspectives

    Learning Objective: Students will develop an awareness of multiple viewpoints by exploring the relationship among values, attitudes, cultures, and behaviors.
    Learning Outcome: Students will be able to:
    1. Develop an awareness of self and other in the context of historical, social, and aesthetic change on the local, national, and global levels

    Assessment Tool: Multiple Perspectives Rubric

  • Program Goal Seven: Life Long Learning

    Learning Objective: Students will acquire the interest and ability to further one’s learning Learning Outcome: Students will be able to:
    1. Recognize that the quest for understanding and meaning requires developing a capacity for self-examination, discipline, and tolerating ambiguity

    Assessment Tool: Foundation and Skills for Lifelong Learning Value Rubric

Business Program Statistics and Assessments (posted on 2/16/2023)