The Grade Change Form must be completed only by the instructional faculty member who assigned the original grade and only after the relevant grade change processes have been completed (see the University catalog for more information). The grade change workflow proceeds as follows:
1. Student either completes unfinished coursework or completes the Grade Grievance process as outlined in the Lesley University catalog.
2. Instructor logs into Dynamic Forms.
3. Instructor selects the Associate Dean or Designee of their school from the drop-down menu. If the form requires their approval, it will be routed to this designee before reaching the Registrar.
4. Instructor fills out form:
Provides the course subject, number, section, and title
Identifies the term
Provides the current and new grades
5. Instructor e-signs the form.
6. If their approval is necessary, the Associate Dean or Designee receives the form, reviews it, and approves or denies the request. The Instructor receives an update as to the status of the form.
7. After any and all necessary approval(s), the Registrar’s Office receives the form and processes the change.
8. Instructor is sent a final confirmation email.
Faculty and staff please note: the Grade Change Form may be accessed via the Lesley Faculty Sharepoint folder.