Grants and Sponsored Projects


The Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects is responsible for coordinating and managing the pre- and post-grant submission process.


We contribute to the academic mission of Lesley University by seeking external funds for sponsored programs and managing the awarded funds.

The Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects offers the following services:

  • Assist with identifying external grant funding
  • Support proposal and budget development
  • Coordinate internal approval process
  • Support the process of grant applications

Post award notification:

  • Facilitate the communication of funding award notification
  • Coordinate the awarded funding with Finance and the Dean’s offices
  • Work with Principal Investigator to prepare project timeline and work plan
  • Support and orchestrate required reports to funders

Contact the Associate Provost of Academic Affairs, Dr. Maureen Creegan-Quinquis, at

Assist faculty in identifying sponsors for university research and other projects

  • Meet with faculty to discuss projects, with faculty providing a brief description of each project, including amount of funding needed, and project timeline
  • Conduct individualized funding searches
  • Provide faculty with individual notices of funding opportunities
  • Support faculty, staff, or students to research funding sources using various databases

Support in proposal development

  • Assist in editing and reviewing proposals
  • Schedule meetings with principal investigators and budget officers to review progress

2023 Grants Awarded

  • Ralph Bradley Prizes

    Ralph Bradley Prizes awarded $11,000 to Lesley’s College of Art and Design for scholarships to be awarded to eligible high school students enrolled in Lesley’s Art and Design Summer program, College Pathways, and Hands-on Workshops/Exhibition programs. High school students are eligible to receive college credit for the courses they take in the College Pathway Program.

2020 Grants Awarded

  • Remembering the 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The Gravestar Foundation awarded Lesley a $5,000 grant to create an exhibition and dedication in memory of those who were affected by the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. The exhibition will include a visual exhibition of atomic bombing footage and a series of mounted posters which have been donated by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

  • Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

    Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation selected Dr. Tatiana Cruz to receive a six-month Career Enhancing Fellowship for Junior Faculty.  The Fellowship of $15,000 enabled Dr. Cruz to focus on continuing her archival research, conduct oral histories with community organizers, and write and revise the manuscript of her book, titled Boston’s Struggle Beyond Black and Brown: Race, Identity, and Community Organizing Since 1950. The book examines the comparative and relational history of African American and Latinx racial and political identity formation, community development, and mobilizations for racial justice in the postwar era.

  • Mass Humanities

    Mass Humanities awarded Lesley University $9,855 for “Centering Latinx Studies in the Humanities Classroom”.  The funding enabled Lesley University to partner with Lawrence High School to offer educators a professional development program to explore Latinx Studies Principles in teaching and learning; integrating primary source materials on Latinx history and culture; using visual literacy strategies for exploring Latinx works of art, and sharing ideas for transforming curriculum and instruction that would bring the voices of Latinx culture of students into humanities classrooms. The grant was awarded to Center for Advanced Professional Studies. The professional development program was led by Dr. Tatiana Cruz of CLASS and Oscar Palacio of LA+D.

  • Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation

    Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation awarded Dr. Donna San Antonio of GSASS a travel grant of $5,000. Dr. San Antonio project entitled, “Social Integration and Emotional Support of Migrant Children in Poor Rural Communities in Southern Italy”, will explore how low-resourced rural/small-town schools in southern Italy are supporting social integration and sense of affiliation among migrant and refugee children and adolescents. 

  • MAA Tensor

    MAA Tensor awarded Lesley’s Math Circle (LMC) a grant of $6,000. LMC, direct by Dr. Kate Hendrix, is an after-school program for sixth grade girls who are interested in expending their math knowledge outside the school curriculum. The program helps sixth grade girls gain confidence in mathematics; expand their mathematical thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, as well as the skills for successfully engaging group discussion, encourages peer interactions and support. In addition to learning about mathematical concepts, LMC provides mentoring and a safe and encouraging place to make math fun.

  • Ralph Bradley Prizes

    Ralph Bradley Prizes awarded $11,000 to Lesley’s College of Art and Design for scholarships to be awarded to eligible high school students enrolled in Lesley’s Art and Design Summer program, College Pathways, and Hands-on Workshops/Exhibition programs. High school students are eligible to receive college credit for the courses they take in the College Pathway Program.

  • Richard and Jean Coyne Family Foundation

    Richard and Jean Coyne Family Foundation awarded $25,000 to Lesley’s College of Art and Design for scholarships to be awarded to eligible high school students enrolled in Lesley’s Art and Design Summer program, College Pathways, and Hands-on Workshops/Exhibition programs. High school students are eligible to receive college credit for the courses they take in the College Pathway Program.

2019 Grants Awarded

  • Porter Square Wall Art Project

    A grant of $1,000 from the Japan Foundation provided support to bring Japanese artist, Kaz Omori to Lesley University to facilitate the creation of a live public wall art in March 2019.  Mr. Omori provided local high school with Artists for Humanity in Boston and Lesley students an opportunity to further nurture their understanding of Japanese arts and culture by working together to create a public wall art at the Porter Square campus. The theme of the colorful design is Diversity. Associate Professor Kazuyo Kuba of Sociology coordinated the project.

  • Math Circle

    The Mary P. Dolciani Halloran Foundation awarded Lesley’s Math Circle $5,000 to offer middle school girls an opportunity to expand their understanding of what math is and can be. Math Circle is an after-school program held at Lesley for middle school girls from Somerville and Cambridge. The girls explore basic spherical geometry, bases and computer digital imagery; number theory puzzles; cryptography; deductive reasoning puzzles; and the mathematics of origami and paper folding. The program also explores mathematics in both art and music as well as analyzing the mathematics behind various games. Math Circle offers two consecutive sessions of six weeks each during the academic year on Friday afternoons at Lesley University Porter Square campus. The program is directed and taught by Dr. Kate Hendrix along with support from the Center for Mathematics Achievement’s faculty and staff, and Lesley students majoring in math and education. Approximately 20 girls attend each session.

  • Davis Educational Foundation

    In December 2019, Lesley received a grant of $193,349 from the Davis Educational Foundation to transform Lesley’s general education program for the students in our two undergraduate schools, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Art and Design. The project, entitled: An Outcome-Based General Education Curriculum to Enhance Student Engagement, Access, and Assessment, will involve a shift from a distribution model to one centered on a unique set of student learning outcomes. The transformation of our general education program will provide students with opportunities to synthesize and reflect on learning; apply knowledge and skills across disciplines; address complex problems with practical relevance, and appreciate the purpose and relevance of general education. This more holistic, intentional, and flexible approach to general education will not only enhance students’ preparation for a wide range of careers but also contain tuition costs by motivating them to engage in proactive academic planning and persist to graduation.

Grant Proposal Submission Process

The following guidelines will promote conversations to encourage the development of research projects as they relate to teaching, scholarship, creative activities and/or service goals of Lesley University and how to prepare and submit a proposal for external funding through the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects.

  • Discussion with Department Chair

    A faculty who has an idea for a project which requires external funding, should meet with the department chair to review and discuss the project and its relevancy to the faculty’s work, the department, and the University.

  • Seek Dean Approval 

    Following the meeting with the Department Chair, the faculty member is required to meet with the Department Dean to discuss the project and seek initial approval to confirm that the project is a department priority and that the timing of the project is manageable.

  • Contact Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects

    Once the faculty’s project has received initial approval from the Department Chair and Dean to move forward, the faculty shall contact the Grant Officer, Eileen Maher Kronauer at to begin identifying funding sources or applying for a particular funding opportunity. The Principal Investigator shall send the Grant Officer a brief project description, the amount of money needed, and information on any identified funding source(s). After the Grant Officer has reviewed the information, the Grant Officer will contact the Principal Investigator for a meeting (preferable in person) to discuss the project and the grant process to identify funders and prepare and submit an application.

  • Preliminary Internal Grant Approval Process

    The Grant Officer will initiate the internal Preliminary Grant Approval process by seeking project approval from the Dean, Finance Office, Provost, and the President. The Principal Investigator shall submit a project summary to the Grant Office, using the Project Summary Template provided by the Grant Office. The Grant Officer will initiate the Preliminary Approval through Dynamic Forms which will include a copy of the project summary. The Dynamic form will be routed to the Principal Investigator, the Dean(s), and two members of the Finance Office. Once the form is signed, the Grant Officer will notify the Provost, who will discuss the proposal with the President at their next meeting. The Provost will notify the Grant Officer and the Principal Investigator of the President’s decision. With the President’s approval, the project team can prepare the application for submission can begin. This internal approval process should be completed at least 3 to 4 weeks prior to the application deadline.

  • Identify Project Team

    The Principal Investigator will be responsible for identifying the project team, consisting of up to four Co-Principal Investigators as the leadership team as well as invite other faculty and staff to participate in the project, if appropriate. All members must commit to preparing the proposal on time. 

  • Proposal & Budget Development

    The Principal Investigator will schedule a meeting with project participants and the Grant Officer to review the funder’s Request for Proposal and guidelines; discuss the project; create a project timeline, and assign team members sections of the proposal to write. The Grant Officer will prepare a proposal outline based on the Request for Proposal requirements. The Principal Investigator is responsible for writing the intellectual content of the proposal with input from the project team. Frequent team meetings are crucial to develop a competitive proposal on time. The Grant Officer will help facilitate the team meetings to ensure the proposal remains on track. Team members will provide project updates at each meeting. The Principal Investigator and Grant Officer will prepare the project budget and budget justification narrative. The Grant Officer will be responsible for completing all required application forms, collecting attachments, reviewing and editing drafts, and submitting the final proposal.

  • Final Grant Approval Process

    A final internal review of the project proposal and budget is required at least a week before submitting the grant application. The Grant Officer will initiate the final approval through Dynamic Forms with a copy of the final proposal summary, budget, and budget justification. The signatures of the Principal Investigator, Dean, Finance Office, Provost, and President are required before the grant is submitted.

  • Grant Submission

    Once the President has signed the final approval, the Grant Officer the Principal Investigator can meet to submit the application to the funder. Proposals are not to be submitted without the final approval sign-off. The Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects will keep the signed approval form on file.  The Grant Officer will receive notification of approval or denial from the funders and notify the Principal Investigator, team members, Dean, and Provost of the decision.

  • Post Grant Process

    When a grant has been awarded to Lesley, the Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects Grant Officer receives a notice from the funders about the award. The Grant Officer notifies the Principal Investigator, Dean, Provost, the Manager of Budgets and Operations (in the Dean’s office), and the Finance Office of the award and forwards a copy of the announcement and contract to them. The Grant Officer collaborates with the Principal Investigator to review the award letter and begins routing the Grant Acceptance Checklist.

    The Manager of Budgets and Operations reviews the award document or contract to identify any modifications to the budget and prepare any additional contract documents. Finance also receives the completed grant agreement contract from the Grants Officer, reviews, and executes contract, if needed. The Grant Officer obtains any required signatures on the contract and returns it to the funder. The Principal Investigator and Grants Officer collaborate to create a project timeline and work plan. Once completed, the Manager of Budgets and Operations integrates the work plan into the school’s existing administrative systems, completes, and submits an Account Request Form to Finance who will create an account in Colleague, (Lesley’s system). Award Management: The Grants Officer will ensure that the project timelines are met and that all reporting requirements are submitted.

    Principal Investigators Responsibilities

    • Review award letter/contract
    • Collaborate with Grant Officer to begin Grant Acceptance Checklist
    • Create a project timeline with Grant Officer
    • Meet with Manager of Budgets and Operations to review award and create work plan
    • Financial management of grant
    • Progress Reports
    • Progress Reports Communicate with Grant Officer, Manager of Budgets and Operations, and Dean
  • Grant Policies and Procedures

Grant Resources

Duke University’s funding database is available to the public.

Grantmakers Search for funders by entering key words or the foundation’s by name.

Hanover Research provides a recap of programmatic funding opportunities. User can create a login to receive email updates from Hanover Research.

H-Net Services (Humanities and Social Sciences Services Online) Lists calls for papers, publications; conferences; digital resources, workshops, journals, fellowships, grants, symposiums, lectures, summer programs, prizes and more for humanities and social sciences.

Philanthropy News Digest (PND) publishes Requests for Proposals (RPFs) and notices of awards. User can create a login to receive email updates from PND.

Federal Grants Searching for federal RFPs and abstracts of grants submitted.

National Science Foundation

National Institute of Health

Dept of Health & Human Services


Massachusetts Dept of Education

City of Boston Funding Opportunities 

For questions and more information, contact Grant Officer Eileen Kronauer at or 617.349.8991