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Lesley students, alumni, faculty, and staff are making big things happen, from coast to coast and around the world.

A group of women in traditional outfits in Nigeria
Faith Adiele ’96
A work from Ransome's "Lynched Boxes" series
Art & Design
Ransome ’21
Camp Erin Boston staffers with Jennifer Wiles
Jennifer Wiles ’86
A black and white photo of the Lesley University Class of 1961.
Celebrating a 60th Lesley reunion
Yoga therapist Sophie Lyons '21 does yoga in the woods.
Sophie Lyons ’21
“I love creating a sense of community, joy, and high expectations—and getting kids somewhere they maybe didn’t think they could go.”
Sydney Chaffee ’07, 2017 National Teacher of the Year
Faith Ninivaggi ’21, Art & Design

Photojournalist documents the pandemic experience of teens

MFA in Photography and Integrated Media alumna Faith Ninivaggi documents history through her lens

photograph of dark field with city lights in valley below
The artist's ambitious photo-activism project explores LGBTQ human rights in Latin America.
illustration of a school bus
Discover how this alum puts the power of animation into students' hands through traditional and digital tools.
John Chang in front of his artwork
Work hard. Never stop. Learn what one MFA in Visual Arts alum has to say about inspiration and drive.
Adventure Time cartoon characters
This alum and his wife draw the popular comic book series behind the hit Cartoon Network program "Adventure Time."
Mountainous still shot from the Mani Project video clip
Contemporary social and environmental issues figure prominently in Aaron Lish's work.
elementary Robotics class testing their robots
Ryan began a new career as a Middle School STEAM teacher, integrating former career experience in architecture and urban planning.
Rose Piscuskas '21 on a hike
Rose Piscuskas ’21
Asiya Shaikh '21
Asiya Shaikh ’21