Let’s make it official
Ready to become a Lynx? We are still accepting applications, but housing and class registration are first-come, first-served.

We are leveraging the power of our 90,000 alumni, extensive employer partners, and 4,000 students, faculty and staff to create a new university model to reinvigorate and diversify critical professions and tap into the natural joy and triumph of our creative and caring selves. What does that mean for our alums? It means a chance to accelerate your careers, connections, and contributions.

  • Career
    • Earn advanced degrees and specialty certificates.
    • Refresh professionals over the arc of their careers.
  • Connections
    • Make valuable connections.
    • Share success with peers.
    • Tap into new and exceptional talent.
  • Contributions
    • Create affordable pathways for critical professions.
    • Attract new and diverse populations to teaching, counseling, and the arts.
    • Help the next generation flourish.
group of alumni admissions ambassadors
Alumni admissions ambassadors pose for a group photo.

Alumni Focus Groups

Lesley President Janet Steinmayer is embarking on a project to understand how best to provide career-long support to educators, mental health providers, artists, and other professionals. Please help us by signing up for an online 50-minute session below. It won’t take long; it’s a great way to connect with peers and to help Lesley and the next generation in your profession.

Register for an alumni focus group session.

Tour Campus

Regardless of when you attended Lesley, we can guarantee there have been and will be exciting changes to our campus. From expanding our campus locations up and down Massachusetts Avenue, to our new Campus Plan directing renovations across all three campuses, the university is growing and renovating space to match its unique educational model.

Learn how the university is investing in its space and technology to meet its ambitious strategic vision.

Attend an Event

View our events page.

Graduate Degrees

View our graduate degrees. 

Don’t forget your alumni Lesley Dividend: 12 free credits toward your graduate degree as well as opportunities for scholarships for graduate degrees.

Alumni Referral Scholarship

Lesley is starting an Alumni Referral Scholarship to attract and identify prospective students who would benefit from a bachelor’s degree at the university. The $1,000 Alumni Referral Scholarships are available to incoming undergraduate students beginning in the Fall of 2024 and are renewable for four years as long as the student is meeting minimum academic standards. Students are only eligible to receive one scholarship if they are referred by multiple alums.

If you are a Lesley alum and know someone who was born to be a teacher, counselor, social worker, artist, designer, business leader or change agent, make it easier for them to pursue their career and refer them to Lesley using this form. They can apply as graduates directly from high school or transfer from another college or university.