The first semester of college is an amazing milestone for both your student and you. One thing's for sure: You'll have lots to talk about, and throughout the term, you'll probably want to check in and ask questions about how things are going in class.
The First Week
By now, your student has been in classes for one week, and has had at least one class meeting for each course. This is a good time to ask how they like them and whether they have read the syllabi carefully. The Add/Drop deadline, which is the last date a student can adjust their schedule before it is part of their permanent record, is an important date to be mindful of. Encourage them to review the academic calendar so they are aware of the semester and term based deadlines. Are they planning to drop or add any classes? (Remember that students need to maintain at least 12 credits to be considered full-time.)
Add/Drop Deadline
Each semester, there is a period at the beginning of classes when students can adjust their schedule. Students cannot add classes after this deadline. Classes dropped after this deadline may require a fee and will be indicated on the transcript with a "W" for Withdraw. This is a good time to encourage your student to stop in and visit their advisor to introduce themselves before deciding to drop or add a course. This may also be a good time to remind them to visit the Center for Academic Achievement for tutoring or writing help. View the Academic Calendar for specific Add/Drop deadline dates.
Early Alert
Within the first four weeks of the semester, faculty notify the Academic Advising Center with names of students who are having attendance issues, behavioral issues in the classroom, late/missing assignments, or poor performance on quizzes and assignments. The professional advising team will follow up with those respective students to address the concerns. If your student gets an early alert, encourage your student to meet with both the faculty and academic advisor to discuss options to move forward.
Mid-Semester Evaluations
Halfway through the semester, faculty will begin to submit mid-semester evaluations for students who are having difficulty in their classes and are at the risk of earning a C- or lower. Both students and advisors will receive copies of these reports electronically by email. Encourage your student to talk to any instructor in whose class they received a mid-semester evaluation, and to check in with their advisor as well. The advisor can help your student consider the best "next steps" and connect them with appropriate support resources. Encourage your student to go back and review the course syllabi to look ahead for the second half of the semester.
Course Registration
At the mid-point of each semester, it will be time to begin planning for the following semester’s schedule as well as summer or winter study. Your student will have the month-long Advising Period to meet with their advisor to plan a semester schedule before course registration begins.
Students will register for courses online on an assigned registration date. Students cannot register if they have not met with their advisor. This is to ensure that the courses they sign up for will meet graduation requirements. Student Account holds (often due to incomplete immunization records or unpaid balances) will also prevent your student from registering on time. Encourage your student to look at course offerings in the Course Catalog and in the Academic Catalog, and to think about appropriate courses before they visit their advisor.
Prior to the advising meeting with a professional academic advisor, encourage your student to talk to a Peer Advisor or Peer Mentor, who could help your student with pre-advising and schedule building. The MyLesley Academic Advising Community also contains important registration information for students, including registration notes. Encourage your student to stay up to date with their Lesley email, as important information and updates will be sent out from their Advisors throughout the month-long Advising Period.
Last Day to Withdraw from a Course
Each semester, there is a deadline of the last date a student can take a leave of absence for the semester or withdraw from a class or classes. This is particularly important to consider if they are unlikely to pass the course. Encourage your student not to wait until the last minute if they need to withdraw from a course and to speak with their academic advisor.
Students must meet with their advisors to withdraw from a course. Withdrawing from a class will yield a “W” grade on a student's transcript. A "W" grade does not affect GPA; however, it could impact a student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress with Financial Aid. Please refer to the Lesley Academic Calendar for specific dates for the Course Withdrawal Deadline.
Classes End
The last couple of weeks of class are very stressful for many students. Lots of support from home is welcome here!
Final Exams
Lots more support welcome here, too! Please be sure to check with your student about their final exam schedule before making vacation or travel arrangements.