Tutoring & Support

Lesley offers peer and online tutoring to students through the Center for Academic Achievement. We support all students enrolled in Lesley programs from undergraduate to doctoral, including students with learning differences and culturally and linguistically diverse students.

Our peer tutors can work with you one-on-one as we exchange ideas and feedback, explore your learning style, and help you develop new skills. You can focus on course topics, long-term projects, writing, reading comprehension, research, brainstorming, or time management. Our Supplemental Instruction Leaders and group tutors engage in group sessions to support your class success. In group sessions, we focus on difficult class topics, preparing for tests, long-term projects, and peer engagement. Brainfuse online tutoring allows you to contact a writing tutor at any time and also has many content tutors available.

Our Mission

Central to our mission is the belief that students have diverse ways of learning related to their cognitive, experiential, and cultural differences.

We provide support to students in their academic requirements and assist them in becoming more independent and successful learners, equipped with knowledge of their abilities so as to gain a deeper educational experience.


 On-Campus and Virtual Tutoring

Our peer tutoring is collaborative. Peer tutors will help you with brainstorming, exploring a topic, organizing papers or projects, strengthening your writing, research, test preparation, time management, and course content and concepts. They can also guide you as you edit your work.

While nearly everyone can benefit from tutorials, you might be particularly interested if you:

  • Submit passing work, but are not meeting your full potential
  • Are high-achieving, but interested in personalized feedback
  • Take too much time to complete work
  • Are eager to improve your writing
  • Are frustrated with reading material
  • Are facing an academic challenge
  • Have a documented learning difference


  • Appointments are 50 minutes long and can be scheduled on WCOnline.
  • Cancellations need to occur at least 3 hours before the appointment start time
  • Plan ahead! Use your syllabi to determine when you may need assistance, and book your appointments early
  • Know what you can cover in one session
  • Have your assignments, books, necessary equipment, and notes with you
  • You may need several sessions with a tutor for each assignment

Online Tutoring

All students enrolled at Lesley University may take advantage of our online tutoring service.

Disability Support Services

The Center also includes the LD/ADD Academic Support Program and Disability Support Services.


The use of the Center for Academic Achievement is confidential, unless you have given permission to share information.

Services for faculty and staff

To best assist student success, we also offer services and information to faculty and staff in degree-granting programs. Some resources available are on the following topics:

  • Multilingual students, English language learners
  • Testing accommodations, alternative testing
  • Designing and responding to student assignments

Center for Academic Achievement staff

  • Kaitlyn Scrivano, Office Manager
  • Adam Mooney, Associate Director
  • Sonam Shankar, Learning Disability Specialist
  • Holly Aldrich, Assistant Director, Disability Support Services
  • Dawn Pulley, Disability Access Specialist

We welcome questions, and invite suggestions as we continue to develop these services.

Contact Tutoring & Support