Lesley Announces Maine Scholars Program
The Maine Scholars program gives students prioritization by Maine employers as well as opportunities for financial aid and scholarship benefits.

Advising Frequently Asked Questions

Academic Support FAQs

Graduation and Course Selection FAQs

  • How do I know what class I am (first-year, sophomore, junior, senior)?

    Your class designation is determined by the number of credits you’ve successfully completed, not the year that you entered Lesley.

    First-Year: 0 to 29.5 credits

    Sophomore: 30 to 59.5 credits

    Junior: 60 to 89.5 credits

    Senior: 90 credits or more

  • How do I request transcripts?

    Keep in mind that every school has a different process for sending your transcript.

    If you are requesting to have your Lesley transcript sent to another school, please follow the instructions here.

    If you are requesting to have your transcript from another school sent to Lesley, please follow that school’s instructions and send your transcript directly to Lesley University.

  • How do I add a course?

    Follow these instructions when adding and registering for courses.  Please feel free to contact your academic advisor if you want any advice on courses to register for.

  • How do I Withdraw from a course?

    Follow these instructions to drop a course if it is before the add/drop deadline, or Withdraw from a course if it is after the add/drop deadline has ended. Please make sure to contact your academic advisor before Withdrawing from a course.

Information Technology FAQs

Campus Life FAQs