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Cell Phone Policy


This policy establishes guidelines for determining eligibility for a university-provided cell phone (device and phone service in the United States). The University provides a university-provided cell phone to eligible employees to support their job responsibilities. This policy establishes guidelines for determining eligibility, phone ownership, usage, loss or damage, reimbursement, and non-compliance. 

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a university-provided cell phone, an employee must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • The employee’s job involves 24x7 responsibilities, as described in the employee’s job description.
  • The employee must be reachable at all times of the day and night, as described in the employee’s job description.
  • The employees who work in Public Safety, Plant/Facilities, or have roles in Enrollment Management that require travel of 25% or more as part of their job responsibilities.

Policy Details

  • Approval Process: Employees who meet the eligibility criteria must receive approval from the Chief Operations Officer or designee before a university-provided cell phone and U.S. phone service will be issued to the employee.
  • Phone Ownership: Phones and phone numbers are the property of the University and cannot be transferred upon separation from the University. The employee must return the phone and any accessories, and relinquish the phone number, upon separation from the University or upon request of the Chief Operations Officer or designee.
  • Usage: Employees are expected to use the university-provided cell phone for business purposes only. The University may monitor phone usage for compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Loss or Damage: Employees are responsible for the safekeeping of university-provided cell phones. Any loss or damage must be reported immediately to the Office of Information Technology by emailing it@lesley.edu.
  • Non-Compliance: Employees who violate this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including revocation of the university-provided cell phone and termination of employment.
  • Review: This policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary.

Date Effective: 

July 1, 2023

Responsible Officials: Chief Operations Officer and Chief Human Resources Officer

Approved by: The President