Laura Schall-Leckrone


faculty laura schall-leckrone

Laura Schall-Leckrone teaches in and leads the graduate Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Bilingual Education (TESOL/BE) programs at Lesley. Prior to completing her doctorate, she worked for seventeen years as a bilingual teacher, Spanish teacher, and K-12 curriculum director in city and suburban public schools. Her scholarship and collaborative work in teacher education and educational linguistics seek to bridge knowledge production in K-12 schools and higher education to improve learning opportunities for multilingual learners.

Her research includes a focus on equipping history teachers to teach critical literacies; practitioner research in TESOL and bilingual teacher preparation; and a linguistic ethnography of a K-6 multilingual school in a gateway community.

Along with recent graduates of the masters’ in TESOL and Bilingual Education program, Laura recently received a President’s Innovation Challenge grant to support the creation of a Bilingual Educator Leadership Network (BELN). Read more about the BELN collaborative

Laura also was one of the speakers at the annual 2021 June Fox Lecture focused on Inquiry in Educational Equity with colleagues Grace Enriquez and Nettrice Gaskins. Read more about this event.


BA, Swarthmore College
MAT, School for International Training
PhD, Boston College

Selected Publications

  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2022). Equipping all teachers to teach disciplinary language: Toward a developmental continuum in teacher education. Invited article. Teaching Issues section. TESOL Quarterly, 56, 2, 840-851.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2022). La Tortuga está tiptoeing: Storytelling in a bilingual kindergarten. In. L. Hao. & S. Brown (Eds.). Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals: Speaking Back to Print-Centric Practices. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Sharkey, J., Madigan Peercy, M. Solano-Campos, A & Schall-Leckrone, L. (2022). Being a reflexive practitioner in TESOL: Methodological considerations. In E. Yuan & I. Lee (Eds.) Teacher Educators and Teacher Education in TESOL. New York: Routledge.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & Barron, D. (2019). From research to practice: Equipping linguistically diverse adolescents with literacy skills of history. In Hansen-Thomas, H. & Steward, M.A. (Eds.). Engaging Research Series: Transforming Practices for the High School Classroom. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Press.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L., Bunning, L & Athanassiou, M. (2018). Toward a coherent approach to preparing mainstream teachers to teach language: Self-study in TESOL teacher education.  In Sharkey, J & Madigan Peercy, M (Eds.). Self Study of Language and Literacy Teacher Education Practices Across Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Contexts. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Group.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L, Barron, D., Konuk, J. & Kain, N. (2018). How could it happen? Learning with adolescents as they engage critical literacy skills of history. Invited column on Partnership Literacies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 61, 6, 691-695.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & Barron, D. (2018). Apprenticing students and teachers into historical content, language, and thinking through genre pedagogy. In De Oliveira, L.C. & Obenchain, K. (Eds.) Teaching social studies to English language learners: Preparing pre-service and inservice teachers. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave, Macmillan.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2018). Coursework to classroom: Learning to scaffold instruction for emerging bilingual learners. Teacher Education Quarterly.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2017). Genre pedagogy: A framework to prepare history teachers to teach language. (2017).TESOL Quarterly, 51, 2, 358-382. 
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. &  Pavlak, C.M. (2015) Methods and beyond: Learning to teach Latino bilingual learners in mainstream secondary classes. The Association of Mexican American Educators (AMAE) Journal.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & McQuillan, P.J. (2014). Collaboration within a Teacher Education Program: Preparing History Teachers to Teach English Learners. In J. Nagle (Ed.) Creating Collaborative Learning Communities to Improve English Learner Instruction: College Faculty, School Teachers, and Pre-service Teachers Learning Together in the 21st Century. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & McQuillan, P.J. (2012). Preparing History Teachers to Work with English Learners through a Focus on the Academic Language of Historical Analysis. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11, 246-266.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & O’Connor, K. (2012). Fostering Content-Based Instruction through Collaboration. Invited article. TESOL Connections. August.

Selected Presentations

  • Sharkey, J. & Schall-Leckrone, L. (2021). Being a reflexive practitioner in TESOL: Methodological considerations. Invited presentation for international Book Launch. Teacher Educators and Teacher Education in TESOL. December 2.
  • Gaskins, N., Enriquez, G. & Schall-Leckrone, L. (2021). Inquiry in Education Equity Round-table. Graduate School of Education Annual June Fox Lecture. April 28.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2019). Re-writing history: Using genre pedagogy to expand diverse adolescents’ linguistic repertoires. European Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress. Leiria, Portugal, Paper presented on July 4.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2019). “Talking back:” Preparing TESOL teachers well while working to transform educational policies with research-based responses. Invited Colloquium: AERA at TESOL: Policy Impacts on TESOL Endorsements and Certifications with de Jong, E, Kayi-Aydar, H., at TESOL International Convention in Atlanta, GA in March 13.
  • Sharkey, J., Madigan-Peercy, M., Schall-Leckrone, L. & Solano-Campos, A. (2019). Being a Reflective Practitioner and Scholar in TESOL: Methodological Considerations. Panel presentation at TESOL International Convention in Atlanta, GA in March 14.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L., Magee, L.B, Monteiro, A.L., Monteiro, I.C, Oliver, H., Peterson, C. & Resendes, S. (2019). Pedagogical language knowledge in practice: Interconnections from linguistically-diverse classrooms to multilingual communities. Organizer & Chair. Panel Presentation. Community of Scholars Day, Lesley University. March 27.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L & Barron, D.S. (2018). Re (imagining) history: Expanding adolescents’ linguistic resources to explain events in hopes of changing the future. Paper presented at the International Systemic Congress at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA July 25.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L., Barron, D.S., Konuk, J. & Kain, N. (2018). SFL and World History: Engaging Adolescents in Critical Literacies of Personal and Social Change. Paper presented at the Teacher Research Day at the International Systemic Congress at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA July 25.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & Burns, M. (2018). From border-crossing to critical consciousness: A continuum of culturally responsive dispositions in preservice teachers. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference in New York City, NY, April 16.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L.  & Barron, D.S. (2018). Re-imagining history: Preparing teachers to teach critical literacy skills of civic engagement to bilingual learners through genre pedagogy, Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference in New York City, NY, April 13.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & Barron, D. (2016). Leveraging literacy for social transformation: Using genre pedagogy to equip culturally and linguistically diverse adolescents to write historical explanations.  Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association Conference. Nashville, TN. November 30.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & Merrill, K. (2016). Rethinking read-alouds for English learners: Teaching language during strategy instruction. Workshop presented at the Literacy for All Conference. Providence, RI. October.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2016). Self-Study in TESOL Teacher Education: How to Prepare Linguistically-Responsive Teachers? MATSOL Conference. Framingham, MA. May 5.
  • Schall-Leckrone & Barron, D. (2016). How could it happen: Using genre pedagogy to teach bilingual adolescents to explain life-changing events. Community of Scholars Day. Lesley University. April 30.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2016). Toward a coherent approach to preparing teachers to teach language to emergent bilingual learners: Self-Study in TESOL Teacher Education. AERA Convention. Washington DC. Structured Poster Session, April 9.
  • Madigan Peercy, M, Sharkey, J., Schall-Leckrone, L. & Racines, D. (2016). Using Self-Study to Advance Research in TESOL Teacher Education. TEIS/AERA intersession panel. Paper presented at TESOL Convention. Baltimore, MD, April 7.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L, Lira, S, Homza, A., Dávila, S. & Bruzzese, C. (2015). RETELL Roundtable: District and higher education efforts to prepare SEI teachers. Presented at the Massachusetts Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL) Conference. May 8.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L & Stadfeld, D. (2015). Teaching the language of explanations: The path from narration to argumentation. Workshop presented at the Massachusetts Association of Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL) Conference. May 8th.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2014). (Re) imagining the future of our American history: A genre-based framework for teaching bilingual adolescents to read and write history. Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association (LRA) Annual Conference in Marco Island, FL, December 3.  
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2014). From coursework to classroom: Learning to scaffold instruction for ELs. Paper presented at Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Convention. Portland, OR. March 29.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2014). Re(writing) history: A framework for teaching bilingual learners key genres of secondary history. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Portland, OR. March 23.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2013). Coursework to classroom: How secondary content teachers learn to scaffold instruction for English learners. Paper presented at Massachusetts Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE). Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA. October 25.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. (2013). Fostering disciplinary literacy skills of adolescent bilingual learners (BLs):  Teaching the language of history. Academic Language in the Content Areas for English Learners Conference. St Michael’s College, Colchester, VT.  May 16th.
    McQuillan, P.J., Enterline, S., Schall-Leckrone, L., Kershner, B. & Backe, S. (2012). Leadership in urban schools: Creating a common culture. NEERO, Portsmouth, NH. May 3.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & Pavlak, C.M. (2012). Teach the students not the course: Preparing secondary content teachers to teach English learners. AERA Meeting, Vancouver, BC. April 15
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & McQuillan, P.J. (2012). Integrating language and content instruction in history: Preparing pre-service history teachers to work with English learners. AERA Meeting, Vancouver, BC. April 14.
  • Schall-Leckrone, L. & O’Connor, K. (2012). Equipping teachers to provide content-based language learning to English learners. TESOL Convention. Philadelphia, PA. March 29.