Handbooks & Collective Bargaining Agreement

Faculty Handbooks

At Lesley, the Provost's Office maintains the Faculty Handbook, which is a resource for adjunct and contracted faculty members who teach at Lesley University.

The Handbook provides general guidance about university policies, and offers information of interest to full-time and pro-rata core faculty members, including faculty governance, rank and promotion procedures, and development opportunities.

Please Note: The Handbooks are under revision. In the interim, current information can be found here:

View the 2019–2020 Core Faculty Handbook

View the 2019-2020 Management Core Faculty Handbook.

View the 2019-2020 Adjunct Faculty Handbook.

Collective Bargaining Agreement

Adjunct faculty are represented by the Service Employees International Union, Local 509 (SEIU). Adjunct faculty employment conditions are governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement dated December 7, 2022 through June 30, 2025 between the SEIU and the University (PDF).

Core faculty are represented by the Service Employees International Union, Local 509 (SEIU). Core faculty employment conditions are governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement dated November 26, 2019 between the SEIU and the University (PDF).