NewsAug 17, 2023

Unlimited creativity with limited resources

Associate Professor presents her new book on filmmaking at Boston event on Aug. 22

poster of stobbe and pace event

By John Sullivan

You oughta be in pictures … or at least making them.

Filmmaker and College of Art and Design faculty member Ingrid Stobbe is out with a new book that aims to help budding auteurs, even those with scant resources, realize their cinematic dreams.

“The Filmmakers Guide to Creatively Embracing Limitations: Not Getting What You Want Leading to Creating What You Need,” co-written by scriptwriter and producer William R. Pace, illuminates the importance of developing unique creative muscles and shows filmmakers how to apply them to their work. Published by Routledge Press, the book’s cover is illustrated by Lesley alumna and former staff member Kaitlyn Gernatt.

At 7 p.m., Aug. 22, Stobbe and Pace will be featured in a book reading and multimedia presentation at Porter Square Books’ Boston location, 50 Liberty Drive, in Boston’s Seaport District. (Click here for registration and other information.) Moderating the event will be Lesley alumna Hannah Robinson.

“This is a unique text in the field that provides both a theoretical and practical approach to inspired and savvy filmmaking that uses limitations as points of inspiration,” the publisher’s website states.

"I'm so excited to be able to present a text that is designed for both students of film and those just expressing interest,” says Stobbe, an associate professor and award-winning visual media artist. “There's a real intent of breaking down walls with the book, in terms of both accessibility and artistic approach, and we're hopeful that it is helpful both practically and from an angle of reassurance for young artists."