
A girl dressed all in pink carries her pink accessories on move-in day.
Sep 7, 2018
Lesley welcomes approximately 350 freshmen and transfers on Labor Day weekend.
Jose Mendoza standing at a podium
Sep 6, 2018
New students welcomed to Lesley during 2018 Convocation
A group of peple sit in a circle in a room.
Aug 29, 2018
Empathy and adaptability make learning more accessible, faculty find.
Ashley Delgado with a river and buildings behind her, wearing a cape.
Aug 22, 2018
Ms. Lesbian Rhode Island 2017, Ashley Delgado ’12 finds effective venue for her activism
Ollie, a husky dog walks across the grass.
Aug 22, 2018
Ollie the Siberian Husky mix vies for 'World’s Cutest Rescue Dog'
children at table together
Aug 14, 2018
Rising Tide Educational Initiative seeks to elevate educational and workforce development opportunities in the New Bedford area