Create your at-home plan for the end of the semester

The Center for Academic Achievement shares this guidance for mastering the end of your semester.

Set up for success.

  1. Start prepping early.
  2. Pay attention to your peak learning times throughout the day. Are you a morning, afternoon, or evening person? Schedule your most difficult work during your peak energy times.
  3. Do some exercise and take breaks. Group HIIT kids workouts are fun for the whole family.
  4. Ask for help early. Email the Center for Academic Achievement to learn how we can help you virtually.

Keep these points in mind.

  1. Minimize the time you spend procrastinating by creating a study schedule that you can maintain.
  2. Include the people you live with in schedule planning.
  3. Work in small time chunks of 20-25 minutes blocks.
  4. Spend the most time on the material you know the least or on projects that are difficult.
  5. Manage your health and stress levels.

Get started.

  1. Know when your tests, critiques, projects, and final papers are due. Find your schedule on the University Final Exams Calendar.

Think about each course you are taking.

  • What material will be covered on a test? Will it be specific chapters/sections, themes, or comprehensive?
  • How will I share my art for critique?
  • What questions will I be asked in critiques?
  • How long will each project really take to complete?
  • How much of your final grade does the exam, paper, or project count for?
  • What format will exams or projects take? Will it be multiple-choice, true-false, written paper, take-home exam, or a completed art piece?
  • Do I need to work with others and their schedules?

What do I need in order to prepare?

  • Syllabi
  • Study guides/notes
  • Slides and handouts
  • Texts, articles, videos
  • Art supplies
  • Technology
  • Lesley library from home


  1. Determine what material you still need to learn.
  2. Determine how much you have completed on each project or paper.
  3. Look for gaps in your knowledge that will be covered on your exams or papers.

Prioritize the work due.

  1. What is due first?
  2. Which exams, projects, and papers count for a large percentage of your final grade?
  3. Make detailed notes about what you need to accomplish and when it is due.

Create your schedule.

Combine your knowledge of what is due first, where you need to do the most work, your best time for doing schoolwork and how you can work around the schedules of those living with you.