illustration of outline of the city of cambridge with street block inside outline
Professional Experience
Community Animation
Animation students partner with Boston Alliance for LGBTQ+ Youth, Green Cambridge, Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy and The Filmmakers Collaborative Academy. Mirroring the processes of a professional animation studio, students work on animation development, client relations and managing animated productions.

Students working with Green Cambridge explained the non-profit’s heritage trees initiative. Like the other animated productions, students briefly presented the initiative and made the story more relatable for locals. They spread the word about services in the area and developed a narrative through conceptual and technical storytelling.
illustration of woman sitting in chair next to child with IV in their arm
Boston Children's Hospital
Animation instructor Alex Salsberg and student interns used animation to help Boston Children’s Hospital translate a complicated new medical treatment and visually narrate the process to make the information accessible to everybody. The project was about creating something for all ages and backgrounds to inform both the general public and patients undergoing gene therapy treatment.
students listen to a presentation in screening room
Film Festivals
Animation students and alumni screen their films at the first annual Massachusetts Animated Student & Senior Thesis Film Festival. The Festival was designed and curated by two LA+D faculty, Alex Salsberg and Ian Connell, with help from AniMAtic Boston members. The purpose of the Festival is to showcase student films from art and design schools all over New England.

Other festivals students have been accepted into include: The Best of Weird Local Film Festival, Our World Film Series: A Short Night, PAX East, Student Film Summit, Maynard Film Festival, among others. With many participating in well-established festivals, animation students and alumni are screening their work all across New England to rave reviews.
Jobs You Could Have
Professional opportunities in animation are expanding, and Greater Boston is a great place to start your career. Job titles for someone with an animation degree include: