Summer 2020 Residency & Orientation

The well-being of our university community is always first. In keeping with federal and state health and safety guidelines related to Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), we have decided to deliver the Summer Residency and Orientation for Expressive Therapies master's degree programs entirely online. This will impact low-residency and on-campus students in different ways.

Low-Residency Students: The low-residency orientation for incoming students will run online from July 13–31, 2020. Synchronous work will occur during the first and second week. Classes will continue in the Fall with a different course sequence. The on-campus residency has been moved to January 3–15, 2021. Students will receive more information about the residency in the fall. For questions, please contact Donna Socha

On-Campus Students: Campus-based classes have been canceled for the summer and are moving to an online format. Summer orientation will be delivered online from August 10–28, 2020. Synchronous work will occur during the first and second week. Students will receive more information in the coming weeks. For questions, please contact Gilda Resmini-Walsh.