Events Thursday, May 12, 2022 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Innovations in Early Childhood: Explorations in Emerging Literacies

Add to Calendar 2022-05-12 16:30 2022-05-12 18:30 America/New_York Innovations in Early Childhood: Explorations in Emerging Literacies In this Innovations Series workshop, three new faculty share their scholarship on topics in early childhood: symbols into language, nature studies, and literacy.
Early childhood classroom with table of colorful handmade paper structures

Ways of Knowing and Understanding

Join us to welcome three new Lesley faculty members and hear their ideas on the ways young children make sense of the world around them. Register for this free virtual workshop.

Veronica Bayiha nwa Quillien, Ph.D.
Symbolic Mode of Thought: Learning Through Sound and Sight

Headshot of Veronica Quillien against ivy-covered wall

When unfamiliar sounds and symbols become our communication device, how can we re/make knowledge for transmission? This reflective creation is a sensorial experience to explore instructional pedagogies that sustain and revitalize students' home language in the classroom. Veronica studies Bòg, an ancient educational pedagogy practiced among the Bàsàa people of Cameroon. The cultural expressions she creates specifically explore trickery as an intergenerational pedagogy of play. She is an assistant professor in the Early Childhood and Integrated Arts programs.

Romana Mohiuddin, Ed.M.
An Exploration of Nature Based Studies with Young Children

Headshot of Romana Muihiddin

Romana will share how a listening walk with young children inspired a winter bird study and cultivated their sense of stewardship for the environment. Her research interests include how trauma affects children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. Romana is an instructor in Early Childhood Education at Lesley University. Read her bio.

Victoria Gill, Ed.D.
Intersectionality and Elementary Literacy

Victoria Gill Headshot, outside

Victoria will explore how teachers can use an intersectionality lens in building their curriculum with intersectional text selections. She'll share multiple unit examples with various text sets to reflect on ways educators can incorporate intersectional reading exercises into their classroom. Victoria is an assistant professor of urban and inclusive classrooms working with the Language & Literacy and Elementary Education Departments. Read her bio.

Register for this virtual workshop.

Graduate School of Education