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Andrew Olendzki

Professor, Director of Mindfulness Studies

Headshot of Andrew Olendzki

Andrew Olendzki, Professor and Director of the Mindfulness Studies program, is a scholar of early Buddhist thought and practice with a special interest in Buddhist psychology and its relevance to the modern world. Working with both Sanskrit and Pali materials, he explores how the contemplative arts of India and Asia can be understood scientifically, and how the contemporary interest in mindfulness and deeper health can be best informed by the wisdom of ancient traditions.

Prior to joining Lesley he worked for almost thirty years in Barre, MA, first as the original executive director of the Insight Meditation Society and then as executive director and senior scholar at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, where his focus was always upon the integration of academic study with the practice of meditation. During this time he also held recurring adjunct faculty positions at many New England colleges, including Amherst, Brandeis, Harvard, Smith, and Lesley, and was on the faculty at Wesleyan University and Hampshire College. Andrew was also a senior scholar at the Mind and Life Institute, contributing to their Mapping the Mind project, and has been a long-time board member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy.

Having recently joined the Lesley faculty, he is enthusiastic about helping the Mindfulness Studies program, the first of its kind in the country, to mature and prosper.



Olendzki, A. (2016). Untangling self: A Buddhist investigation of who we really are. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications.

Olendzki, A. (2010). Unlimiting mind: The radically experiential psychology of Buddhism. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications.

Soeng, M., Ambrosia, G.T., Olendzki, A. (2017). Older and wiser: Classical Buddhist teachings on aging, sickness, and death. Barre, MA: BCBS.

Book Chapters

Olendzki, A. (2015). Buddhist psychology: A work in process. In Hoffer, A., Freud and the Buddha: The couch and the cushion (pp. 65-87). London: Karnac.

Olendzki, A. (2014). From early Buddhist traditions to western psychological science. In A. Ie, C. T. Ngnoumen & E. J. Langer (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell handbook of mindfulness (pp. 58-73). Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

Olendzki, A. (2013). The construction of mindfulness. In M. G. Williams & J. Kabat-Zinn (Eds.), Mindfulness: Diverse perspectives on its meanings, origins and applications (pp. 55-70). New York, NY: Routledge.

Olendzki, A. (2011). Wisdom in Buddhist psychology. In C. K. Germer & R. D. Siegel (Eds.), Wisdom and compassion in psychotherapy: Deepening mindfulness in clinical practice (pp. 121-137).New York, NY: Guilford.

Olendzki, A., Germer, C. K. & Siegel, R. D. (2008). Mindfulness: What is it? Where did it come from?. In F. Didonna (Ed.), Clinical handbook of mindfulness (pp. 17-36). New York, NY: Springer.

Olendzki, A. (2008). Mindfulness and meditation. In F. Didonna (Ed.), Clinical handbook of mindfulness (pp. 37-46). New York, NY: Springer.

Olendzki, A. (2006). The transformative impact of non-self. In D. K. Nauriyal, M. S. Drummond & Y. B. Lal (Eds.), Buddhist thought and applied psychological research: Transcending the boundaries (pp. 250-261). New York, NY: Routledge.

Olendzki, A. (2005/2013). The roots of mindfulness. In C. K. Germer, R. D. Siegel & P. R. Fulton (Eds.) Mindfulness and psychotherapy (pp. 261-268). New York, NY: Guilford.

Olendzki, A. (2005/2013). Glossary of Buddhist psychology. In C. K. Germer, R. D. Siegel & P. R. Fulton (Eds.) Mindfulness and psychotherapy (pp. 309-316). New York, NY: Guilford.

Olendzki, A. (2003). Buddhist psychology. In S. Segall (Ed.), Encountering Buddhism: Western psychology and Buddhist teachings (pp. 9-30). Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Olendzki, A. (2000). Meditation, healing and stress reduction. In C. S. Queen (Ed.), Engaged Buddhism in the west (pp. 307-327). Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications.

Olendzki, A. (1996). A proposed model of early Buddhist liberation. In F. J. Hoffman & D. Mahinda (Eds.), Pali Buddhism (pp. 43-56). Surrey, UK: Curzon Press.


D.Phil., Lancaster University (UK)

M.A., Lancaster University (UK)

B.A., University of Colorado   

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