Lesley Announces Maine Scholars Program
The Maine Scholars program gives students prioritization by Maine employers as well as opportunities for financial aid and scholarship benefits.

Cesare Pietroiusti

MFA Faculty Member

Cesare Pietroiusti started his career in Psychiatry in 1979. He focused his early work as an artist on social psychology in relation to art. His work progressed into social projects that examined problematic and paradoxical situations that are hidden in common relationships and in ordinary acts - thoughts that come to mind without a reason, small worries, quasi-obsessions that are usually considered too insignificant to become a matter of discussion, or of self-representation. He teaches at the Laboratorio delle Tecniche e delle Espressioni Artistiche, IUAV University, Venice.


Non Functional Thoughts, Studio Morra, Napoli, 1997

A Certain Number of Things, Civitella Ranieri Foundation, New York, Fondazione Olivetti, Roma, 2001

Tenkalaut (with Giancarlo Norese), Roma 2007


"Paradoxycal Economy Four Performances" (Ikon Gallery and other locations, Birmingham, 2007);

"Regali e regole. Prendere, dare, sbirciare nel museo" (with Stefano Arienti, MAMbo, Bologna, 2008);

"Artworks that Ideas can Buy" (Project Space, Wilkinson Gallery, London, 2009);
"L'Argent" (Le Plateau, Paris, 2009);

"Museum in the City" (Moderna Galerija and various locations, Ljubljana, 2009);

"Heaven" (2.nd Biennial, Athens, 2009)

"28th Biennial of Graphic Arts" (Galerija Alkatraz, Ljubljana, 2009)

"Spazio" (MAXXI, Roma, 2010)

"Trasparenze" (MACRO Testaccio, Roma; MADRE, Napoli, 2010)

"Declining Democracy" (CCCS La Strozzina, Pal. Strozzi, Firenze, 2011)

"Wide Open Space" (Hayward Gallery, London, 2012)