
Exterior of the Lunder Arts Center at night
Apr 3, 2020
Lesley University’s innovative building praised for sustainable design and successful merger of 19th-century ecclesial tradition with 21st-century architecture.
Young woman meditating with eyes closed
Mar 18, 2020
Director of Mindfulness Studies Andrew Olendzki shares ways to marshal your psyche to combat anxiety around the Coronavirus
Shirin Philipp headshot
Mar 9, 2020
General Counsel has served at Lesley since 2011
A woman takes a photo of a painting with her cell phone.
Mar 6, 2020
Nearly 100 works span career of New York City modern artist
Portraits of William Shakespeare and Edward De Vere
Mar 5, 2020
Faculty filmmaker Cheryl Eagan-Donovan discusses craft, controversial theory
Julia Kirwin headshot and the Photographic Resource Center logo
Mar 3, 2020
Julie Kirwin won a competition to give Lesley partner’s brand a bold new look