Meet Honors Student Jessica Mahoney ’21

When Graphic Design major Jessica was invited to join the College of Art and Design Honors Program she viewed it as a necessary challenge. For her, it was an opportunity to boost her understanding of her coursework and engage with a wide range of art and design topics. Read our Q&A to hear about her experience as a first-year student in the Honors Program.

Why did you want to participate in the Honors Program?

Prior to this I had always been in honors or advanced programs. I thought the Honors Program at the College of Art and Design would be something to help my grade point average as well as boost my understanding of the overall curriculum as a student.

What makes your Honors Courses different from typical courses at the College of Art and Design?

So far, I believe my Honors Course has been different because it covers a large number of topics, instead of a selected few, and it applies those attributes and lessons to real situations that can occur in the working field. 

How has the Honors Program benefitted you artistically and academically?

The Honors Program has allowed me to engage in opportunities that I could be receiving in the future. It's also built my skills as an artist. It's helped me to understand that I need to be challenged from an academic perspective.

What types of collaborative group projects have you been involved in?

From week to week we sit in different groups and address different activities or critique a project. I believe the opinions of my peers allow my perspective on certain topics to grow. As for collaborative projects, this semester we've been engaging in group critiques for one project that focuses on a proposal for a water display in Fort Point Channel.

Have you been able to engage with professional artists and scholars through the program?

Through the program, I’ve met people from different occupations, such as visual artists and gallery owners. These experiences helped me gain new perspectives on how people view art and what inspires other artists to create.

Have you had opportunities to work closely with faculty?

Yes, I've had opportunities to work with faculty. Leah Craig has motivated me and pushed my work further through the meetings I had with her concerning my ideas.

What would you say to someone who’s considering joining the Honors Program?

This program helps prepare you for working in the field in a way that other programs don't. I believe that whoever is considering this program should join—it's a great experience that prepares you for the next step in life.