Let’s make it official
Ready to become a Lynx? We are still accepting applications, but housing and class registration are first-come, first-served.
What do we do?

The Graduate Licensure Advisor is a specialist for Expressive Therapies and Counseling and Psychology licensure across the United States. This advisor can answer questions about state-by-state licensure reciprocity and can provide assistance in completing applications for state licensure

When are we available?

The licensure advisor works remotely and is best reached via email at license@lesley.edu

Where can you find us?

Our office works remotely and actively responds to emails at: license@lesley.edu.

Why would you contact us?

Contact us if you are enrolled in the Expressive Therapies or Counseling and Psychology programs and have questions regarding the licensure process.

How do you contact us?

The best way to contact the Licensure Advisor is to email license@lesley.edu.

What are my program's licensure requirements?
  • Licensure as a Mental Health Counselor = 700-hour internship
  • School Counseling/School Adjustment = 600-hour internship
When do I get licensed?
  • School Counseling/School Adjustment Initial Licensure is received upon successful completion of the degree
  • Licensure as Mental Health Counselor graduates must work for two years, full-time, post-graduation prior to applying for the Licensure Mental Health Counselor license
Is my Massachusetts license good in other states?

Each state has its own specific licensure requirements. Massachusetts is similar to many states but, to be certain about the requirements of the state to which you are moving, contact license@lesley.edu to review the respective licensure requirements.