Lesley Announces Maine Scholars Program
The Maine Scholars program gives students prioritization by Maine employers as well as opportunities for financial aid and scholarship benefits.

Lisa Lombardi

Associate Director of Advising and Student Services
Coordinated Student Success, Advising

faculty lisa lombardi

Lisa Lombardi is the Associate Director of Advising and Student Services for the Mindfulness Studies Programs, the Global Interdisciplinary Studies Programs, and the MFA in Creative Writing. She holds a Master of Education in Creative Arts and Learning and a Master of Science Degree in Counseling Psychology. Lisa is a qualified MBSR Teacher who completed her teacher training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Center for Mindfulness. Lisa’s research interests include adult learning, assessment, graduate student advising, and Mindfulness meditation.


Tools for Success: Developing an Academic Advising Syllabus, 2017, Pre-Conference Workshop, NACADA Region One

Best Practices for Advising Graduate Students, 2016, Presentation, NACADA Region One Conference

Team-Advising for Student Success, 2016, Presentation, NACADA Region One Conference

A Winning Hand for Student Success: The Team-Advising Model, 2015, Presentation, NACADA Annual Conference

Tools for Success: Developing an Advising Syllabus for Graduate Students, 2015, Presentation, NACADA Region One Conference

The Advising Ensemble: Perfecting Practice, 2014, Presentation, NACADA Region One Conference

I'm Not Your Mother! How to Respond to Student Needs in the Age of Instant Gratification, 2012, Presentation, NACADA Region One Conference


  • M.Ed. Creative Arts and Learning, Lesley University
  • MS, Counseling Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi
  • BA Psychology, Merrimack College