Janel Lucas

Professor Emerita

Janel retired from Lesley in May 2018 after 28 years of service.  She always brought her extensive experience as a clinical social worker with individuals, families, and communities to her courses.

Her areas of academic focus and expertise include: social work, ethics, and cultural competence. At Lesley, she has taught the following courses: Concepts and Skills in Professional Practice, Introduction to Social Work, Case Management in Social Work and Counseling, Child Welfare: Challenges and Solutions, Contemporary Issues in Counseling and Human Services, Human Services Internship and Seminar, and Research Methods in Social Sciences. 

She holds a BA from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, a MSW and PhD from Simmons University, and is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker. 


  • Lucas, J. (2011). “Teaching Ethics Through Multicultural Lenses”. In Dallalfar, A., Kingston-Mann, E. & Sieber, T. (Eds.) Transforming Classroom Culture, Inclusive Pedagogical Practices, (pp. 165-180). Ma: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lucas, J. and Audette, K. (2009). “A community organizer in the White House”, Focus, Feb. 2009. NASW.
  • Kellner, L. and Lucas, J. (2003). Students, Agencies and Academia: Goodness-of-Fit,” Human Service Education, 23(1), 39-51.
  • Lucas, J., “Strategies for Increasing Agency Multiculturalism,” (2000). Human Services in the 21st Century, Chapter 25, pp. 296-307
  • Counts, C. and Lucas, J. (1995). "A Multicultural Course Model for Adult Learners." The Link, National Organization for Human Service Education, 16, (4).
  • Havas, E. and Lucas, J. "Modeling Diversity in the Classroom." (1994). Equity & Excellence in Education,  27, (3), 43-47.