Lesley Announces Maine Scholars Program
The Maine Scholars program gives students prioritization by Maine employers as well as opportunities for financial aid and scholarship benefits.

Giuseppe Formato

Senior Lecturer

faculty member giuseppe formato smiling on the streets of cambridge

Giuseppe Formato, PhD, currently serves as Senior Lecturer at Lesley University's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, where he has developed and taught courses in world languages and cinema. During this time, he has also served as a fellow at the Camões Institute in the Consulate General of Portugal of Boston through its Fernão Mendes Pinto Program. He has been an invited speaker to high school classrooms, universities, and conferences in Europe and North America, in addition to being published in scholarly journals and serving on scientific committees worldwide. 

Dr. Formato is also an associated researcher at ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute, where he has served as a postdoctoral fellow and as a visiting researcher in its Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology. He is also currently a public high school World Language teacher in the Greater Boston area and a foreign correspondent on language education issues for O Baluarte de Santa Maria, an Azorean periodical. Some areas of research interest include critical language and eco-pedagogy, language acquisition, linguistic ideologies, the Portuguese-speaking diaspora of New England, and bilingual education.

Recent Publications

Book Chapters:

  • Índias Cordeiro, Graça, Formato, Giuseppe. (2024). Azorean-American Resilience in Camberville: A Visual Approach to a Vernacular Landscape in a Gentrified Neighborhood. In: Lakić, S., Pereira, P., Índias Cordeiro, G. (eds) The Everydayness of Cities in Transition (pp. 121-154). Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Formato, Giuseppe & Cordeiro, Graça Í., (2020). Quando a variante é o que importa: reflexões partilhadas sobre os usos e os sentidos da língua portuguesa em Boston (Massachusetts, USA). In Lechner, E., Capinha, G., Keating, M. C. (org.), Emigração em Português: Migrações, exílios, retornos e colonizações (pp. 139-162). Almedina.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:

  • Formato G. & Cordeiro, G. Í., (2022). Portuguese language tensions and contradictions in diasporic contexts: Ethnographic and confessional narratives in Greater Boston, Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada,  61 (3), 733-746. 10.1590/010318138670205v61n32022 

  • Formato, G. (2021). The Shift to a Queer Pedagogy in the Italian-Language Classroom, Journal of Language and Cultural Education,  9 (1), 1-11. DOI: 10.2478/jolace-2021-0001

  • Formato, G. (2020). Eco-Justice Pedagogy all’italiana: Radical Italian Art in the Italian-Language Classroom”, Theory and Practice in Language Studies,  10 (12), 1501-1509. DOI: 10.17507/tpls.1012.01

  • Formato, G. (2020): “Arte Povera as a Tool in Critical Italian-Language Pedagogy,” International Journal of Linguistics, 12 (4), 233-251. DOI: 10.5296/ijl.v12i4.17423

  • Formato, G. (2018): “Instilling Critical Pedagogy in the Italian Language Classroom,” Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9 (6), 1117-1126. DOI: 10.17507/jltr.0906.01

  • Formato, G. (2018): “How Language Variety and Motivation Impact Language Acquisition in Adult Heritage Learners of Portuguese”, European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, Vol. 3 (3), 52-67 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1312302


  • Azevedo, L. & Formato. G. (2021), “A mesma língua, muitas histórias: entrevista com Giuseppe Formato,” OEm Conversations With, 24, Observatório da Emigração, CIES, ISCTE, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa., 233-251. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOEMCW242021. 

Recent Presentations

  • “Santa Maria migratory histories and diasporic identities in Cambridge and Somerville, Massachusetts,” One Atlantic many perspectives – validating diversity in the age of competition. LPAZ Forum International Conference, Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal. (September, 2024)

  • “Negotiating transnational ethnicity in Greater Boston: a glance at an Azorean- American civic association in the early 1930s,” The Estado Novo, Portuguese state and ecclesiastical authorities, and collective organization among immigrant communities in North America. Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Annual Conference, University of Lisbon, Portugal. (July, 2024)

  • “Voices in the shadows: Reflections on the Portuguese-Azorean American linguistic heritage,” Heritage Languages Around the World 2, University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States. (May, 2024)

  • “Ethnic Resilience in a Gentrified Place: Rethinking the Portuguese-Azorean American Landscape in Cambridge and Somerville, Massachusetts,” North of Boston: The Portuguese American Experience Beyond the Hub: A Colloquium, University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States. (May, 2023)

  • “Tensões e contradições do português em contexto de diáspora: narrativas etnográficas e confessionais na área metropolitana de Boston,” Os emaranhados do Português como língua adicional: cenários multilingues de (i)mobilidade e agenciamento, UNICAMP, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil.  (November, 2022)

  • Pedagogia in fiamme: Re-envisioning the Role of Impoverished Art in Italian-language Learning during the Climate Crisis. Symposium Language Pedagogy in Higher Education, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Ohio University, USA. (October, 2022)

  • Clashes of a world language and its local heritage learners: experiências de desencontro no ensino do português, XI EMEP - World Meeting on Teaching Portuguese (American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese), Harvard University, MA USA. (August, 2022)

  • Portinglês não é português? Política de ensino do português (europeu) e descriminação sociolinguística em Nova Inglaterra, Língua portuguesa: Entre língua internacional e língua imigrante na América do Norte. Políticas e práticas linguísticas e de literacia, ISCTE- Lisbon University Institute Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology, Lisbon, Portugal. (April, 2022)

  • Inhospitable Pedagogies: Obscuring Luso-American spaces of belonging in Portuguese language Teaching, Environments: Ecologies and (In)hospitalities, University of Coimbra, Portugal. (March, 2022)

  • Silenced Heritages: Língua, ideologia e identidade na diáspora portuguesa de Nova Inglaterra, Meetings about Migration Experiences, ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute’s Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology, Lisbon, Portugal. (June, 2021)

  • When Linguistic Variety Is Paramount: Shared Reflections on the Meanings and Uses of Portuguese in the Greater Boston Area, , Big Cities, Small Languages Conference, Leibniz-Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany. (November, 2018)

  • Gramsci in the Italian Language Classroom: Teaching Italian Through a Critical Lens, Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee. USA (October, 2018)

  • Quando a variante é o mais importante: reflexões partilhadas sobre os usos e sentidos da língua portuguesa na área de Boston, MA, Língua e cultura em contextos migratórios: centramentos e descentramentos referenciais session at the international colloquium Stories, Memories and New Narratives of/in Emigration, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal. (July, 2018)

  • Teaching Italian in an International Environment  [Roundtable], Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  (May, 2018)

  • Teaching Italian from a Critical Perspective. Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. USA (April, 2018)

  • Exploring Identity and Motivation in Language Acquisition of Heritage Learners of Portuguese, Culture and Identity Configurations: Reflections on the XXI Century, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, USA.  (October, 2017)

  • How Language Variety and Motivation Impact Language Acquisition in Adult Heritage Learners of Portuguese, Lusophone Studies Division, Second Language Acquisition with an emphasis on Portuguese; Historiography, Memory, and Second Language Acquisition: Shifting Knowledge Paradigms. The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. (April 2017)