Nguyen, A. & Tian, Z. (2023, April). Co-design and implementation of an anti-racist biliteracy program using critical translanguaging pedagogy [Invited Session, Anti-Racist Teaching and Teacher Education Seed Grant, Division K]. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Nguyen, A. (2022, November). Troubling appropriateness with gender-themed picture books [Paper Presentation]. Literacy Research Association Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
Nguyen, A. (2022, April). A year in turmoil: Immigrant families’ struggles and disengagement with remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Nguyen, A. (2021, November). Young children's intersectional struggles in early childhood classrooms [Paper Presentation]. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, Virtual Conference.
Nguyen, A. (2021, April). Disruptive storytime: Teaching for social justice with anti-bias picture books [Roundtable]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference.
Nguyen, A. (2021, March). “Food never forgets”: Digital footprints of Vietnamese Facebook Group and collective memories [Paper Presentation, Peter K. New Award Recipients 2020-2021]. Society of Applied Anthropology Annual Conference, Virtual Conference.
Nguyen, A. (2019, October). Who's afraid of the Big "Bad" Queer? Gender discipline and surveillance in early childhood [Paper Presentation]. American Educational Studies Association Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.