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Online Tutoring

All students enrolled in Lesley University may access our online tutoring platforms:

Brainfuse HelpNow Online Tutoring

Brainfuse offers content tutoring in many Lesley subjects as well as writing support from professional tutors.

How to Access Brainfuse

Log into Brainfuse from your myLesley homepage by selecting the "Tools" button on the left-side menu and clicking on the Brainfuse icon. There, you can find content tutors in various subject areas under "Live Help," as well as utilize other academic features.

Lesley Asynchronous Online Writing Center

Students can submit drafts of papers assigned in their courses for asynchronous online tutoring. Trained peer and professional tutors review your drafts to provide advice and guidance on how to improve your writing.

How to Submit a Paper to the Lesley Online Writing Center

Draft papers should be sent as Word document file attachments (filename.doc or filename.docx) to our Online Tutoring Manager at onlinetutoring@lesley.edu.

In your email message, give us the following information:

  • Your name and Lesley ID number
  • Degree program
  • Course for which the paper is being written
  • Location of your class or cohort
  • Name of the instructor to whom the paper should be submitted
  • Brief details about the requirements of the assignment, including which formatting rules you are required to follow, if any

If you do not receive an automatic email confirmation, please email our office at caa@lesley.edu.  

Turnaround Time for the Lesley Asynchronous Online Writing Center

Our Asynchronous Online Writing Center can review papers not exceeding 10 pages of text within two business days after the date of receipt (e.g., if an 8-page paper is submitted to the Online Tutoring Manager on a Monday before 5:00 pm EST, it will be returned to you by one of our tutors with comments and suggestions by Wednesday at 5:00 pm. If it is submitted on a Friday, it will be returned to you by the following Tuesday). The Asynchronous Online Writing Center is open all year except on weekends and Lesley-observed holidays.

Papers that exceed 10 pages of text (based on standard academic paper formatting—double-spaced, 11-point or 12-point font size, and 1-inch page margins) will take longer. The deadline for the return of assignments that exceed 10 pages of text will be determined by the Online Tutoring Manager and shared with you, but a general guideline is to allow two business days per 10 pages of text (a 30-page thesis, for example, could take up to six business days to review).

Students can use our Review Turnaround Calculator to estimate a turnaround time based on page count and submission date. Please note that the actual return date is subject to tutor availability and will be determined by the Online Tutoring Manager. We appreciate your understanding and preparedness, especially during busy times of the academic year, such as finals, midterms, and thesis deadlines. 

You may submit as many assignments as you wish while you are enrolled as a student. If you have made substantial revisions to your assignment after receiving your reviewed submission and would like us to review it again, follow the same submission process as you did with the original draft.

Resubmissions of assignments must be sent to the Online Tutoring Manager first rather than directly to the tutor you previously worked with. Every effort will be made to have the same tutor review the resubmitted paper for the sake of continuity and consistency.

Maximize Your Lesley Asynchronous Online Writing Center Experience

We’ll work with you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your paper. The Asynchronous Online Writing Center is not intended to correct or edit your paper. Instead, we support your development as a writer by helping you identify problems with:

  • Focus
  • Organization
  • Development
  • Academic style
  • Word choice
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation

Tutors will provide feedback on general principles of writing and make suggestions on grammar and style. However, the final structure and content of the paper is your responsibility.

Please allow yourself enough time to make final revisions to the paper before the submission deadline given by your instructor.

For questions regarding citations, consult the APA, MLA, or Chicago style guides on the Lesley Library webpage.

Contact Online Tutoring