Lesley Announces Maine Scholars Program
The Maine Scholars program gives students prioritization by Maine employers as well as opportunities for financial aid and scholarship benefits.
Lunder Arts Center in Porter Square, Cambridge, MA (Two blocks MBTA/regional rail station!).

College Courses for High School and Gap-Year Students at Lesley's College of Art and Design (Lesley Art + Design)

Summer Pre-College Courses                                                    

Are you a rising high school sophomore, junior, or senior, or a gap-year student, thinking ahead to college and your future career? Here's an idea: Enroll in college-level studio classes taught by inspiring faculty at Lesley University's College of Art and Design (Lesley Art + Design) and meet other young people who are as driven and creative as you are.

Explore what you can do at Lesley Art + Design and find out what it feels like to be a college student by choosing from an array of courses and departments. Sign up for more than one course by mixing and matching morning classes (9:30 am - 1:00 pm) and afternoon classes (2:00 - 5:30 pm) to create your ideal summer schedule. You can sign up for half a day or all day with a one-hour lunch break between classes. Celebrate your accomplishments at a special exhibition and reception on the last day of the program.

Please fill out this form for more information

Richard and Jean Coyne Family Foundation Scholarship

In 1990, the Richard and Jean Coyne Family Foundation was established to fund programs managed by educational institutions and non-profit organizations that help economically disadvantaged high school students develop portfolios to qualify for admission to art school, and to provide college scholarships to study visual communications.

Richard and Jean Coyne were the editor/designers of Communication Arts magazine, established in Palo Alto, CA, in 1959 by Richard, who was a co-founder. Since 2013, the Foundation has awarded eight gifts to Lesley's College of Art and Design for scholarships to be awarded to eligible high school students enrolled in Lesley's Art and Design Summer program, College Pathways, and Hands-on Workshops/Exhibition programs.

High school students are eligible to receive college credit for the courses they take in the College Pathway Program.


Pre-College Alumni Gallery:

Pre-College Week 1: 7/14 - 7/18, 1 credit

1-week course | 1 college credit | $400 + $20 one-time registration fee | Inquire about merit- and need-based scholarships.

Morning (9:30 am - 1:00 pm)

  • Design Your Personal Brand

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to design a brand? Or how to make information visually meaningful? This hands-on intensive course offers you the opportunity to develop and use your own personal brand. The goal is to translate who you feel you are as a person into a conceptual and visually dynamic design. Guided by faculty, you'll be immersed in the complete design process including conceptual development through professional design execution. Projects will incorporate hand-based sketching processes and digital design tools such as Adobe Illustrator. To enroll in this online course, students should have access to a computer equipped with Adobe Illustrator. One transferrable college credit will be awarded after successful completion of this one-week course.

Afternoon (2:00 pm - 5:30 pm)

  • Introduction to Portrait Drawing

    This course will give each student an intimate understanding of how to conceptualize and construct a portrait. By exploring fundamental concepts and techniques such as proportion, structure, features, likeness, and how to visualize and draw the head from different angles students will gain the ability to develop accurate and expressive portraits. Students will use a variety of source material and media. To enroll in this online course, students should have access to a computer. One transferrable college credit will be awarded after successful completion of this one-week course.

  • Digital Animation 3D
    This course is an introduction to 3D vector-drawn modeling. Basic techniques of modeling, lighting, texture-mapping, and animation are covered. This powerful application allows the student to create hyper-realistic virtual worlds, which can be navigated with ease.
  • Experimental Handmade Photography
    Students make unique, handmade photographs using Alternative Process techniques. Images can be sourced from your digital files or film. The focus of the course will be learning how to make handmade images using processes such as: Cyanotype, Van Dyke, Ziatypes, emulsion lifts, and Purell transfers. Experience in photography is not necessary although enthusiasm for learning is! Students must have their own photographic digital files or negatives and will leave with an understanding of multiple photographic processes and a small portfolio of unique prints.

Pre-College Week 2: 7/21 - 7/25, 1 credit

1-week course | 1 college credit | $400+ $20 one-time registration fee | Inquire about merit- and need-based scholarships.

Morning (9:30 am - 1:00 pm)

  • Comics + the Graphic Novel

    This course explores the history and craft of visual narratives including comics, graphic novels, and storyboards. You’ll examine historic and contemporary examples of sequential narratives and visual storytelling. You’ll work on developing a story concept, creating dynamic characters and environments, and formatting your work. Through in-class demonstrations and hands-on studio time, you’ll explore a rich variety of techniques that will help you bring your story to life. One transferrable college credit will be awarded upon successful completion of this one-week course.

Afternoon (2:00 pm - 5:30 pm)

  • Portfolio Prep for Photography

    This course is designed for advanced young, photographers who are planning to apply for college admission with a portfolio of photographs or would like to develop a portfolio of photographs. Students must be proficient in either, black-and-white or digital photograph before taking the course. Students are expected to begin the course with some photographs already completed. The course will discuss topics such as modes of presentation, artist statements, sequencing images, and preparing for a portfolio review.

  • Performance & Action in Animation
    This course will introduce students to animation as a narratively drawn art form. Students will explore both traditional and technical drawing production tools that will support animation development and completion of their shorts. One transferrable college credit will be awarded upon successful completion of this one-week course.

Pre-College Weeks 1 & 2: 7/14 - 7/25, 2 credits

2-week course | 2 college credits | $800+ $20 one-time registration fee | Inquire about merit- and need-based scholarships.

Morning (9:30 am - 1:00 pm)

  • Filmmaking Essentials
    Bring your vision to life with a modern approach to independent filmmaking and evolving individual aesthetics. This hands-on, intensive course offers you the opportunity to create individual video projects utilizing classic filmmaking techniques and emerging smart phone technologies. With a combination of viewings and exercises, you'll gain an understanding of experimental video forms as well as traditional, narrative work. You’ll also learn the workflows of independent filmmaking and gain insight on film festival overviews. Guided by faculty, you'll be immersed in the process of producing video shorts, from pre-production to post-production to final export. Two transferrable college credits will be awarded upon successful completion of this two-week course.

Afternoon (2:00 pm - 5:30 pm)

  • Get Gaming!
    Eager to learn the basics of game design through hands on experience? Join this week-long course where you'll collaborate on teams to create a playable mini-game demo. Along with short talks and Q&A sessions offering guidance throughout the process, teams will explore key aspects of game development via paper planning and "modding" digital templates. From mapping out a plan with an appropriate scope, to creating dynamic media assets, to iterating on ideas, we'll test the limits of our creativity within the agile structure of a Game Jam.
Contact the Lesley Pre-College