Student Health Service

Student Health Service is an appointment-based clinic serving the acute and chronic medical needs of our full-time residential undergraduate and Threshold Program students. We’re here to help you optimize your health so that you can focus on your education.

Hours & Making an Appointment for Non-Urgent Care

  • Monday – Friday: 9:00 am—5:00 pm
  • Telephone: 617.349.8222

COVID-19 Symptoms and Sick Note Policy

  • Possible COVID-19 Symptoms?

    Any residential or on-campus student who has any new or changed symptoms that could be consistent with COVID-19 symptoms must immediately report that to, and to Student Health Service, at, and must immediately stay off-campus or in their on-campus residence rooms until further instruction. 

    The health of our community relies in part on individual attention and responsibility, including notifying the University of a possible illness. Please note that some symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to other illnesses.  Please see our COVID-19 webpage for additional information.

  • Sick Note Policy

    While we encourage students and faculty to stay out of class and other group gatherings when sick with a contagious illness, we do not provide routine "sick notes" to students for professors due to brief absences from class. We encourage our students to discuss absences with their professors, understanding that students are still responsible for their academic work.

    If one of our providers determines that for health reasons a student may be absent for one week or longer, the student is encouraged to speak with their faculty advisor and professors of the medical absence; we may also connect student with Disability Access services for support.

    Additionally, there may be some health concerns that are best served by taking a medical leave of absence from the university.

Medical Emergencies or Urgent Problems

If you have a medical emergency: call 911.

For urgent medical needs during office hours: call Student Health Service. We can address your concern and when needed facilitate transfer to a local hospital or urgent care center. When appropriate, we can also directly order advanced diagnostics such as x-rays, ultrasounds, and EKGs in local off-campus settings.

For After-Hours Urgent Needs, please see Off-Campus Medical Options.

  • Emergencies on Campus: Contact your Community Advisor or Lesley Public Safety (617.349.8888).
  • Life-threatening Situations: Call 911 for an ambulance, then call Lesley Public Safety so they can assist the ambulance in finding you. Campus Security also has a first-aid kit and defibrillators available, as well as Narcan (for reversing an opioid overdose).
  • Local Emergency Department: Mount Auburn Hospital Emergency Department is open 24/7, year-round. Phone: 617.499.5025. 

It's important that you understand your health insurance coverage for accessing all medical services. You should have your insurance cards with you. If it’s after hours, or you’re not eligible for our services, then consider these off-campus medical options:

Undergraduate Student Health Forms & Medical Records

You must complete and return all health forms prior to arrival on campus. All information provided is kept confidential and will be shared only with appropriate university personnel on a need-to-know basis.

To access necessary forms login to

  • Health Service Disclosure Forms

    A student can request their medical records be sent from or to Student Health Services after completing the following consent forms for records release. Record requests are processed in the order received and generally require 5–7 business days to complete. If you have additional questions regarding records, please contact

    • Complete and sign the Release of Medical Information Form (PDF) for release of medical information. Please use this form to request that your records are sent from an outside provider or facility to Lesley Student Health Service.
    • Disclosure forms must be complete with correct phone/fax numbers, contact information and complete signature.
    • Current students may upload signed and completed disclosure form to Students who have graduated may fax to 617-649-8480 or mail to Lesley Student Health Service, 29 Everett Street, Cambridge, MA 02138.
  • Medical Records, Confidentiality, and Your Privacy

    We assure medical confidentiality for care and services received at Student Health Services, except in cases where your safety or others’ safety is at risk, or as required by law (such as mandated reporting of certain infectious diseases and abuse).

    We will not transmit any detailed information to others without your written consent or direction, except as noted. We may share the Student Health Form information with appropriate university personnel on a need-to-know basis. We hold all patient information in strict confidence according to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts (FERPA) guidelines.

    Each patient has a confidential medical record, and records are released only with your signed written request. Record requests take about 5–7 business days to complete.

Contact Student Health Service