Disability Support Services Policies

At Lesley University, we are committed to providing equal and integrated access to academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs for all qualified persons with disabilities.

In addition to this long-standing university philosophy, students with disabilities have specific legal rights under the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. This is a civil rights law that protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of disability.

Title III of the ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, such as a university.

The following is a summary of Lesley University’s policies and procedures for students with disabilities who are seeking reasonable modifications under the ADA. Sometimes, we refer to these modifications as “reasonable accommodations.”

  • The Right to Reasonable Modifications of Policies

    An essential component of Title III of the ADA is the right of a qualified individual with a disability to a reasonable modification of an institution’s policies, where necessary, to provide the individual an equal benefit.

    The process for obtaining a reasonable modification begins with the student’s request for a change in the usual manner in which things are done.

    In the context of reasonable modifications, Lesley’s Disability Support Services Office may ask for documentation concerning an individual’s disability and the need for modifications, if such documentation is:

    • Necessary (when the manifestation of an individual’s disability is not readily apparent);
    • Reasonable; and
    • Limited to the need for the modification requested

    While not always necessary, documentation may come from a physician, clinician, or other provider and may set forth recommended modifications.

    In accordance with Title III of the ADA, we will make reasonable modifications to our rules, policies, practices, and procedures, when such modifications are necessary to afford goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations to individuals with disabilities.

    We do not charge individuals with disabilities for reasonable modifications or other actions required by the ADA.

  • Student Eligibility for Accommodations

    All qualified students with disabilities are eligible for accommodations and support services. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the process with Lesley’s Disability Support Services Office.

  • How We Determine Modifications

    While some modifications to policies are made generally, in most circumstances, Lesley’s Disability Support Services’ administrators determines support services and reasonable modifications on an individual basis. They do this in consultation with the student, and when necessary, medical professionals or others with helpful information.

  • Confidentiality

    We are committed to ensuring that all student disability information is maintained confidentially. We treat disability-related information as medical information and handle it under strict rules of confidentiality.

    We securely file a student's documentation with the Disability Support Services Office. The documentation is not kept with any other student records on campus. The information can only be shared on a limited "need to know" basis within the Lesley University community.

    Accommodations letters contain only the accommodation information, and not specifics of the disability. A student may choose to disclose more with faculty, but are not obligated to do so.

  • Denial of Requests

    Based on individual circumstances, Disability Support Services may deny or discontinue an accommodation or modification.

    Grievance Procedure

    If a student disagrees with the determination made by Disability Support Services to deny or discontinue a modification, they can have the decision reviewed by the Associate Provost for Student Success.

    Students should complete the Accommodation Appeal Review Form (PDF) if their request was denied, and they’d like to have the decision reviewed.

    Appeals for this review are heard by Valerie Yeakel, Director of EEO and Title IX/ADA 504 Coordinator.

    Students may also file complaints of discrimination with the University's Office of Equal Opportunity and Inclusion. See the Lesley University Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy for details about the formal grievance policy.


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