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Nettrice Gaskins

Assistant Director, STEAM Learning Lab

Nettrice Gaskins

Dr. Nettrice Gaskins’ work explores how to generate art using algorithms in different ways, especially through coding. She also teaches, writes, "fabs" or makes, and does other things. She earned a BFA in Computer Graphics with Honors from Pratt Institute in 1992 and an MFA in Art and Technology from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1994. She received a doctorate in Digital Media from Georgia Tech in 2014.

She has taught at the secondary and post-secondary levels in the Boston Public Schools and at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Dr. Gaskins has worked at the Fab Foundation and is an artist-in-residence at the Autodesk Technology Center on behalf of MathTalk PBC, a group that creates public art that encourages adults and children to enjoy, explore, and talk about the math in their own backyards. She will soon publish her first full-length book through The MIT Press.