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Ready to become a Lynx? We are still accepting applications, but housing and class registration are first-come, first-served.

Privacy Policy

Lesley University is committed to maintaining your privacy. This privacy policy covers how we collect, use, and treat personal information that you may provide when you visit our website.

  • Your Consent

    Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By accessing and using our website, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood, and agree to this Privacy Policy. Do not use our website if you don't agree with this Policy.

  • No Participation by Children Under Age 13

    We do not allow individuals whom we know are under 13 to participate in our website. You must be at least 13 years old to use our website. If you are between age 13 and the applicable age of majority, please review this agreement with your parent or guardian. 

  • The Types of Information You May Provide

    Information you may provide while visiting our website falls into two broad categories:

    • Personally-Identifiable Information. Any information that could reasonably be used to identify you, like your or your family's name, address, email address, social security number, birth date, telephone number, or any other information that could be used to identify you. You are not required to give us Personally Identifiable Information.
    • Anonymous Information. Information that does not identify you. It may include statistical information concerning, for example, the pages on our website that you visit. You create Anonymous Information as soon as you visit our website.
  • When We Collect Your Personally Identifiable Information

    Here are some examples of the ways that you may provide and we will collect Personally Identifiable Information about you:

    • Admissions Forms. In many cases, you may apply to our programs online through our website.
    • Alumni Connections. Our graduates can stay connected with each other and Lesley through our website.
    • Requests for Information. Some areas of our website may allow you to submit a request for information or to otherwise contact us with inquiries regarding our programs.
  • Usernames and Passwords

    We may require that you create a username and password when using portions of our website. Keep in mind that we’ll treat anyone who uses your username and password as "you", so you should maintain the confidentiality of your username and password.

  • Anonymous Information

    We use Anonymous Information to analyze the effectiveness and use of our website, to evaluate and improve our website and our programs, and for other Lesley business.

    We may share Anonymous Information with third parties for these purposes. When you visit another website, third party vendors like Google may use Anonymous Information obtained from our website to place ads for Lesley on the other websites you visit.

    Here are some of the ways that we will collect Anonymous Information about you:

    • IP Addresses; Logs. Lesley may automatically receive and record information in our server logs from your browser, including your IP address (the Internet address of your computer), your computer's name, the type and version of your web browser, referrer addresses, page views (hit counts), and other log information.
    • Cookies. A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, which is sent to your browser from a website's computers and stored on your computer's hard drive.
    • Tags. We may use so-called "pixel tags"—small graphic images (also known as "web beacons" or "single-pixel GIFS").
    • Click-Throughs. We may send email messages to you which use a "click-through URL" linked to content on our website. When you click one of these URLs, you pass through our web server before arriving at the destination web page. We track this click-through data.
  • How We Use Your Personally Identifiable Information

    We use your Personally Identifiable Information in the following circumstances:

    • To provide you with the information or services you requested.
    • To send you news, bulletins, marketing materials, or other information about Lesley.
    • To evaluate and monitor the use of our website.
    • To create aggregate information about visitors to our website that does not contain your Personally Identifiable Information.
    • We will share your Personally Identifiable Information with third parties only if either (a) you give us your express consent OR (b) in any of the following circumstances:
      • Lesley Website Vendors. We may employ other companies to perform functions on our behalf, such as hosting or maintaining the website, providing services related to the website, collecting information, responding to and sending electronic mail, or other functions necessary or desirable for our institution. We’ll provide vendors with only that information necessary to perform their functions, and we won’t allow them to use your Personally Identifiable Information for any other purpose.
      • Lesley Vendors. We may employ other companies to perform other services on our behalf. These services may include identifying and evaluating visitors to our website and the programs and services you and other visitors use or express interest in, or to conduct surveys. From time to time, our vendors may contact you directly on our behalf. We’ll provide vendors with only that information necessary to perform their functions, and we will not allow them to use your Personally Identifiable Information for any other purpose.
      • Legal. Lesley will reveal your Personally Identifiable Information to the extent we reasonably believe we are required to do so by law.
      • Parental Review. If you are a minor, your parent or guardian is entitled to review the information that we have collected from or about you.
      • Lesley Policies. Lesley will reveal your Personally Identifiable Information to the extent we reasonably believe it is necessary to enforce any of our policies.
  • Opting Out; Updating or Deleting Personal Information

    Opt-Out. If we choose to send you news, bulletins, marketing materials, or other information about Lesley by email, we’ll provide you with the ability to decline—or "opt-out of"—receiving such electronic communications.

    Updating and Deleting Information. You can contact us to change or update your Personally Identifiable Information. You can also request that we remove your name and all other Personally Identifiable Information from our databases.

    Please understand, however, that it may be impossible to remove this information completely, due to backups and records of deletions. You may not remove Anonymous Information or aggregate data from our databases.

  • Third Party Links

    As a courtesy, our website may contain links or produce search results that reference links to third party websites. Lesley has no control over these linked websites or their content and does not assume responsibility or liability for any content, opinions, or materials available on linked websites.

    Lesley does not warrant that a linked website will be free of computer viruses or other harmful code that can affect your computer or other web-access device. Your use of these links is at your own risk. The data practices of these linked websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

  • Data Security Policy

    Read our Data Security Policy to learn what steps we take to protect your Personally Identifiable Information.

  • Changes to this Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy is effective as of November 14, 2011. From time to time, we may change this Privacy Policy, and your use of our website will be governed by the new Policy.

  • More Resources

    If you're looking for more information concerning privacy policies in general and opting out of certain advertising, you should visit the following websites:



If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices of this website, please contact University Marketing.